Volunteers Needed April 4-5 for SAE Aero Design West – Weighing Team

The LM Aero Mass Properties team will again be supporting the SAE International Aero Design West 2020 Competition (LM supplies the scales and we also represent the SAWE Texas Chapter) the weekend of 3-5 April at Thunderbird Field, Benbrook Lake. We will be the weigh team for the event and will weigh the many unique aircraft and the loads they will carry in the flying competitions. We usually have a team of 3 to 5 people supporting the Saturday flight rounds from roughly 7 AM to 6 PM (includes time for setup – flights start at about 8-8:30 thru 5 PM) and then again Sunday thru Noon.

Other volunteers are also needed as flight stewards.

There are currently 80 some total teams from around the world signed up for three classes of aircraft (Regular/Micro/Advanced) competitions where a variety of “passengers/luggage/habitats/supplies” are carried and/or dropped.

The event is open to the public, and everyone is invited to come out and see the unique aircraft designs and watch the competitions.

More Details are available in the website link below:


Our support will be needed April 4 and 5. If you would like to participate and help our chapter support the event, please contact Ted Dull (ted.c.dull@lmco.com) for information. He is creating a roster and taking shirt sizes as well.