Volunteers Needed April 4-5 for SAE Aero Design West – Weighing Team

The LM Aero Mass Properties team will again be supporting the SAE International Aero Design West 2020 Competition (LM supplies the scales and we also represent the SAWE Texas Chapter) the weekend of 3-5 April at Thunderbird Field, Benbrook Lake. We will be the weigh team for the event and will weigh the many unique aircraft and the loads they will carry in the flying competitions. We usually have a team of 3 to 5 people supporting the Saturday flight rounds from roughly 7 AM to 6 PM (includes time for setup – flights start at about 8-8:30 thru 5 PM) and then again Sunday thru Noon.

Other volunteers are also needed as flight stewards.

There are currently 80 some total teams from around the world signed up for three classes of aircraft (Regular/Micro/Advanced) competitions where a variety of “passengers/luggage/habitats/supplies” are carried and/or dropped.

The event is open to the public, and everyone is invited to come out and see the unique aircraft designs and watch the competitions.

More Details are available in the website link below:


Our support will be needed April 4 and 5. If you would like to participate and help our chapter support the event, please contact Ted Dull (ted.c.dull@lmco.com) for information. He is creating a roster and taking shirt sizes as well.

Volunteers needed for Fort Worth Regional Science & Engineering Fair

The SAWE Texas Chapter has been a longtime supporter of the Fort Worth Regional Science and Engineering Fair.  Each year we have the opportunity to participate in this event for Elementary thru High School students by helping judge the exhibits and awarding an SAWE Special Award. This is a good opportunity for the Chapter to reach out to High School Seniors in our community.

Again this year, the FWRSEF will be held at UTA College Park Center in Arlington on Monday, February 24th for the judging.

If you would like to participate in the judging for our Chapter, please contact Ted Dull for more information.

2019 Fort Worth Regional Science and Engineering Fair

2018 Fort Worth Regional Science and Engineering Fair

SAWE Aircraft Weight and Balance Class

The SAWE Texas Chapter will be hosting the SAWE Aircraft Weight and Balance Class on Saturday and Sunday, September 23-24, at the 2017 Texas Regional Conference.

Class Description:

The class will consist of about 8 hours of lecture and a “hands-on session” that will include weighing an aircraft.

The instructor will assume the student has basic knowledge of weight and balance. The class will demonstrate and teach proper procedures for weighing and completing forms for military aircraft. A take home test will be provided.

The lectures will use T.O. 1-1B-50, (T.O. 1-1B-50 is being replaced in 2009 with a joint service weight and balance manual), as a course reference. The classroom discussion will include definitions; instructions on the DD 365 series forms; and the use of the AWBS (Automated Weight and Balance System), AFF (automated Form F generators), load adjusters, and Vector diagrams.

The “hands-on” session will include actual weighing of and aircraft and demonstration of recommended procedures for aircraft handling, equipment techniques, leveling, jacking, and other tasks.

The intent of this class is to provide the student with an understanding of a weight and balance system and “pitfalls” involved with weighing aircraft. The class will conclude with a “take home” test to verify that the class has provided the student with the basic knowledge necessary to perform weight and balance on an aircraft without help from others.

Basic calculators, paper, pencils, pens, and “highlighter” may be needed for examples and exercises. Wear khakis or jeans since part of the class is in an aircraft hangar. For safety reasons, wear rubber soled shoes. No open toed shoes will be allowed. Students may be exposed to the hazards of weighing an aircraft and jet fuel vapors.

Mass Properties and Automotive Lateral Dynamics

A special one day (eight hour) seminar is being presented by the Texas Chapter of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers on September 23rd at the Dallas-Fort Worth Airport Hotel. Unlike other courses that titillate, but leave the participant no more capable after the course than before, this course is quantitative not merely qualitative. The course learning objectives include enabling the student to be able to make reasonably accurate estimates via basic calculations/simple computer simulation of Rollover SSF (Static Stability Factor), Roll Gain, Lateral Steady-State Maximum Acceleration (Skidpad), and the associate Steer Angles/Slip Angles/Body Side Slip Angle at that steady-state condition.

Also, this course will enable the student to make an estimate of Lateral Transient Acceleration (Slalom) characteristics such as the Dynamic Index in Yaw (DIY), Transient Yaw Center, and the Ackermann Yaw Rate. Lastly, this course will enable the student to make estimates of Directional Stability (Oversteer/Understeer) Characteristics such as the Understeer Coefficient, Static Margin, Steady State Steering Angle, Characteristic Velocity (Understeer), Critical Speed (Oversteer), and the handling transition Critical Speed (Oversteer).

Individuals interested in taking the course, and automotive venders wishing to exhibit their products and/or services at the regional conference, are directed to the SAWE Texas Chapter website. All individuals completing the course will receive a Certificate of Completion, a copy of the Course Vu-Graphs (MS-PowerPoint), a copy of SAWE Paper #3528 (“Mass Properties and Maximum Lateral Acceleration”), and a Max Lateral Acceleration Estimation Spreadsheet (MS-Excel).