The Texas Chapter will meet via Zoom this Thursday, January 14 from 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm.
We will be discussing upcoming chapter officer elections as well as a donation to the SAWE scholarship fund.
The International Chapter called for donations from local chapters to support the SAWE scholarship fund, and the majority of members present at the December meeting agreed we would like to make a donation. We agreed to ask the larger member audience for opinions on the donation size. Information on the SAWE Scholarship can be found here:
Please email me to let me know what size of a donation you would like to have the Texas Chapter to donation to the SAWE Scholarship fund:
1) $0
2) $500
3) $1000
4) $3000
5) other
If you would like to be nominated as a candidate for an officer in the upcoming Texas Chapter officer elections, please email me to let me know your intent and desired position. We will discuss the elections further at the next meeting.
Please join us online this Thursday for the meeting.
You can join the meeting at the link below at the scheduled time.
Thank you,
Brian Huber
SAWE Texas Chapter
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