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Two Presentations that will be given at ...

Two Presentations that will be given at the SAWE International Conference in May 2014

Please consider joining us on Wednesday at lunchtime (April 30th) for two presentations that will be given at the SAWE International Conference in May 2014.  Lyle Gillman will present:  The FAA is proposing a major change to AC 120-27E, “Aircraft Weight and Balance Control,” eliminating standard average weights for passengers, baggage and crew, and requiring […]

2013 St Louis, Mo International Conferen...

2013 St Louis, Mo International Conference Debrief

Please come to the SAWE Conference Debrief. Both SAWE and non-SAWE members are welcome. Pat Mitchell will share the conference happenings and occurrences.  This will include: 1)      Technical Papers List of Papers How to get copies 2)      SAWE Standards and Practices List of Standards and Practices Progress 3)      Speakers Opening Session Standards and Practices Luncheon […]

Seattle Chapter Contacts and Officiers

Seattle Chapter Contacts and Officiers

Congratulations to the new local Chapter Officers: President                     Liz Cercado ( Vice President            Gabriel Rego ( Sec/Treasurer             Tara Yeager ( Director                        Casey Regan ( Outgoing officers Rob Gilchrist and Pat Mitchell are taking positions at SAWE at the international level.  Rob, Pat and myself (Ed Davis) will all continue to be active in the local chapter and are excited for […]

SAWE at the FIRST FRC on 30 March 2013

SAWE at the FIRST FRC on 30 March 2013

SAWE  went to the FIRST (FRC) is an organization that challenges high school students in science and  competition.  The students have a robotics game “challenge” and then compete against other student teams.  The mission for First FRC is: “Our mission is to inspire young people to be science and technology leaders, by engaging them in […]

Museum of Flight

Museum of Flight

On September 6th 2012, the Seattle Chapter SAWE visited the Museum of Flight in Seattle Washington. Henry Geijsebeek from Weight Engineering was the docent for the tour.  Henry has led tours at the Museum of Flight before and he educated and entertained the SAWE group.