Please consider joining us on Wednesday at lunchtime (April 30th) for two presentations that will be given at the SAWE International Conference in May 2014.

 Lyle Gillman will present:

 The FAA is proposing a major change to AC 120-27E, “Aircraft Weight and Balance Control,” eliminating standard average weights for passengers, baggage and crew, and requiring each airline to do surveys or use actual weights. Current status of the revision, industry public comments, and SAWE’s potential involvement in taking over standard weight development, will be discussed.

 Aaron Klein will present:

 Experience in the UK working alongside our Weight Engineering counterparts at British Airways.  The presentation seeks to illustrate the benefits of an intentional, recurring supplier-customer partnership.

The Presentation will be at the Boeing facility in Everett (you must have a Boeing badge or you will have to call in).  The meeting details are:

Date:               Wednesday, April 30th, 2014
Location:        BOMARC 45-80.3, 32E1

Time:              11:30 am to 12:30 pm

Food:              SAWE will furnish some Pizza and drinks.

Please call Ed Davis (425-622-7652) for the Telecom and Webex information