Meeting Minutes 10/29/22

Meeting Time:  Saturday, 10/29/2022 12:00 PM Luncheon followed by Chapter Meeting 

Meeting Location: Stonefire Grill located at 18727 Brookhurst Street, Fountain Valley, CA   

Meeting Agenda: LA Chapter Planning

  1. Savannah International Conference report
  2. Financial report – San Diego chapter dissolved
  3. Introduction of webmaster Lawrence Cruz
  4. Planning for upcoming meetings
  5. Chapter Project

Attendance: 11 Total (9 LA Chapter members and 2 guests)

Note: Stu Melvin (LA Chapter Treasurer) was unable to attend this meeting so Yi-Ling Tam charged the meal cost to her credit card and will be reimbursed. Thank you to Henry Tam for applying his discount towards our food & beverage.  

SAWE LA Chapter Business Meeting:

Richard Manning called the business meeting to order at 12:55 PM  

Around the Room Discussion:

Dan Rowley reported on the SAWE International Conference & BOD meeting: There was emphasis on the SAWE certification program, International Conference planning for Coco Beach in 2023; then a virtual conference in 2024, Dr. Donna Gerren (SAWE VP-Academic Affairs) is expected to retire soon and may also retire from her position at SAWE. Dan thought that overall, the International Conference was very well done except for a few cases of Covid.  

Richard reported that Stu Melvin has decided to step down as chapter Treasurer and we are now looking for an LA chapter member to step up to fill his position. This position is a minimum 2-year commitment.

A current LA Chapter Treasurer’s report was not available at the time of this meeting. 

Richard also reported that the San Diego chapter recently dissolved and two of their former members (Tony Gonzales and Vinay Kumar Vaddepalli) elected to join the LA chapter. Three former SD chapter members elected to join the Mohave Chapter and the remaining former SD members have not yet responded.

As of this date, $85.99 from the SD chapter treasury is to be transferred to the LA chapter treasury based on the ratio of member transfers plus $1800 (1/2 of the $3600 LMCO sponsorship funds with the other 1/2 to Mohave chapter)

John Hargrave suggested that we that we schedule an online meeting with the two new members from the San Diego Chapter to welcome them to the LA Chapter, introduce ourselves, and make them feel included.

Yi-Ling solicited suggestions for increasing membership in our chapter.  

Someone suggested that we contact the remaining former SD chapter members that haven’t decided to join the LA or Mohave chapters and invite them to join the LA chapter. It was mentioned that the long distance between San Diego and LA could be a factor, so John Hargrave suggested that we host periodic on-line meetings.

Yi-Ling also suggested that we plan a meeting in the San Diego area and took an action to look up their membership data and provide contact information to Dan Rowley and Mike Notarangelo. Dan said that an e-mail invitation will be sent to the undecided members and followed-up with a phone call. 

Dan Rowley will contact Kevin Tharp (Mohave chapter Director) to see if they have any interest in having a joint meeting or event with the LA chapter.

Richard introduced Lawrence Cruz as our new LA Chapter webmaster.

2023 Chapter project suggestions:

  1. Expand the LA Chapter website – It was suggested that Lawrence post the LA chapter meeting minutes to our website after a content review by John Hargrave
  • Outreach to former San Diego Chapter members to join the LA Chapter

A discussion was held to help plan future meetings (in person week-night meetings with guest speakers or on-line meetings (such as with SAWE trainers) and/or Saturday lunchtime meetings for activities and social events ), potential meeting locations such as Northrop Grumman cafeteria or at a museum such as the Western Museum of Flight or at a car show, Potential guest speakers (contact our members for referrals), factory tours (possible Virgin Orbit, SpaceX or Mercedes Benz factory in Long Beach) or Balloon ride (free) at the Orange County Great Park in Irvine, 

Future Meeting plans:

Meet & Greet in San Diego area with former San Diego chapter members if there is interest (TBD)

LA Chapter Holiday Party (to be planned by Yi-Ling).  It was suggested that we use on-line Google Meet to help determine member availability for LA Chapter Holiday Party.  

Survey chapter member’s interest for types of meetings and events. 

Richard adjourned the meeting at 1:58 PM

Top Row (L to R): Yi-Ling Tam, Ian Mac Neil, John Hargrave, Michael Notarangelo, Lawrence Cruz
Bottom Row (L to R): Lisa Rowley, Scott Snelson, Dan Rowley, Ron Fox, Richard Manning

SAWE LA Chapter Meeting 10-29-2022

SAWE LA Chapter Lunch Meeting

Saturday, October 29, 2022

 12:00 pm Lunch and Meeting

Stonefire Grill

18727 Brookhurst St
Fountain Valley, CA 92708

Below are links about the restaurant. Click on link above to access map.

Fountain Valley location

Socializing and Planning

  • Let’s get together for some socializing and good food. We will discuss what is going on with SAWE and plan what our Los Angeles chapter would like to do in the upcoming SAWE year.
  • Stonefire Grill is a casual style restaurant offering American fare. It is known for its expansive menu, offering pasta, salads, pizza, BBQ, and more.
  • Food will be provided (alcoholic drinks not included.)

Meeting Minutes 4/23/22

Meeting Time:  Saturday, 4/23/2022 12:00 PM Luncheon/Chapter Meeting 

Meeting Location: Stonefire Grill 4325 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood, CA, 90712

Meeting Agenda: Socializing, Elections & Planning (meeting notice attached)

Attendance: 10 Total (8 LA Chapter members and 2 guests)

SAWE LA Chapter Business Meeting:

Richard Manning called the meeting to order at 1:08 PM  

Richard thanked Yi-Ling & Henry Tam for finding the meeting location and providing a discount on our food

Around the Room Discussion:

Stu Melvin stated LA Chapter currently has 25 members and approximately $3600 in the chapter account  

Renew your membership now and save (increase to SAWE membership dues was approved)

Dan Rowley stated that SAWE International Conference is the week before Memorial Day this year and that the Gulfstream Chapter is organizing the 2022 International Conference. Training registrations have been light so far.

The 2023 Conference will be hosted by the Florida Space Coast chapter in Coco Beach 

The 2024 Conference will be virtual

Ron Fox moved for LA Chapter to make a donation to the Frank Fong Scholarship Fund (motion postponed)

Yi-Ling discussed that we should focus on re-building the chapter this year

Ian MacNeil suggested we arrange a tour, possibly at Virgin Orbit where Robert Forsyth worked

Other suggestions include Bowling, Balloon ride in OC Great Park (Irvine) & hosting a Regional Conference    

Chapter Election:

Dan Rowley moved that the current slate of chapter officers continue serving through May 2023 (motion seconded) and passed by unanimous vote

President: Richard Manning

Vice President: Dan Rowley

Treasurer: Stu Melvin

Secretary: Mike Notarangelo

Director: Yi-Ling Tam

Meeting adjourned at 2:25 PM

SAWE LA Chapter Dinner Meeting – 4-23-22

SAWE LA Chapter Dinner Meeting

SaturdayApril 23, 2022

12:00 pm Lunch and Meeting

Stonefire Grill

4325 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood, CA, 90712

Below are links about the restaurant with a map for your convienence

Socializing, Elections, and Planning

• It’s been a while. Let’s get together for some socializing and good food. We will hold elections for chapter officers, discuss what is going on with SAWE, and plan what our Los Angeles chapter would like to do in the upcoming SAWE year.

• Stonefire Grill is a casual style restaurant offering American fare. It is known for its expansive menu, offering pasta, salads, pizza, BBQ, and more.

• Members eat free* (alcoholic drinks not included. Will need to be voted on and approved at the meeting.)


Please R.S.V.P. no later than noon, Thursday, April 21st

to Richard Manning by email at

Next L.A. Chapter Meeting: April (tba)

TIME: 5:30 PM – Social Mixer, 6:00 PM – Dinner Meeting

FAMILY-STYLE CHINESE BANQUET: $15 for current members and guests. Free for new members.

LOCATION: Szechwan Palace Restaurant, 431 Culver Blvd, Playa Del Rey, CA 90293

Introduction to Satellite Propulsion:
Most all small to large class satellites require a propulsion system for essentially three reasons:
1) to transfer the satellite from the launch vehicle parking orbit to the final orbit
2) to maintain and control the satellite in the final orbit, and 3)
3) to maintain and control satellite attitude during large engine firings and other events.
The several types of satellite propulsion system designs will be discussed as will be some of the
different types of thrusters that currently exist and have flown. Performance parameters will be
discussed as will some of the details behind the testing and propellant loading methodologies as
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joseph Penitsch is a Satellite Propulsion Engineering
Specialist who joined Aerospace Corp. over a year ago. Prior to his transition,
he worked for Boeing as the lead propulsion engineer on the programs such as
GPS IIF, WGS, and may others. He has both in-depth and firsthand working
knowledge of satellite propulsion systems.

Please invite your fellow co-workers and friends to help drive the growth of our membership.

Please RSVP by email to Yi-Ling Tam at by (tba)