Save the date for this weekend!
We will be having a SAWE Hotel tour to help determine the ideal location for the 2026 Conference location.
Check your email for further details.
Society of Allied Weight Engineers – Serving the aerospace, shipbuilding, land vehicle, and allied industries.
Save the date for this weekend!
We will be having a SAWE Hotel tour to help determine the ideal location for the 2026 Conference location.
Check your email for further details.
Please call in at 10:00 this Saturday for a SAWE Zoom Meeting!
Information below.
Scheduled: Jun 17, 2023 at 10:00 AM to 10:30 AM, PDT
Location: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/3760166418?pwd=dnhMZVF0OEJ0azIvSXd3L3FuSHgrZz09
Lawrence Cruz is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Lawrence Cruz’s Zoom Meeting
Time: Jun 17, 2023 10:00 AM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 376 016 6418
Passcode: fcvMZ1
Dear LA Chapter member,
You are invited to attend the LA Chapter 2023-2024 Planning Meeting on Saturday, April 22 at 10:00 AM
This will be an online Zoom meeting in Lawrence Cruz’s Personal Meeting Room
Agenda: Discuss LA Chapter priorities for the upcoming year.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 376 016 6418
Passcode: fcvMZ1
LA Chapter Officers required to attend (President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director), attendance by other SAWE members is optional
Please feel free to submit any suggestions for our upcoming chapter project, meeting preferences (virtual or in-person), meeting venues, potential guest speakers, tours, etc.
May Meeting notice: The next in-person LA Chapter luncheon meeting is planned for Saturday, May 6th at noon. A meeting flier with more details will be provided soon.
TIME: 5:30 PM – Social Mixer, 6:00 PM – Dinner Meeting
FAMILY-STYLE CHINESE BANQUET: $15 for current members and guests. Free for new members.
LOCATION: Szechwan Palace Restaurant, 431 Culver Blvd, Playa Del Rey, CA 90293
Introduction to Satellite Propulsion:
Most all small to large class satellites require a propulsion system for essentially three reasons:
1) to transfer the satellite from the launch vehicle parking orbit to the final orbit
2) to maintain and control the satellite in the final orbit, and 3)
3) to maintain and control satellite attitude during large engine firings and other events.
The several types of satellite propulsion system designs will be discussed as will be some of the
different types of thrusters that currently exist and have flown. Performance parameters will be
discussed as will some of the details behind the testing and propellant loading methodologies as
ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Joseph Penitsch is a Satellite Propulsion Engineering
Specialist who joined Aerospace Corp. over a year ago. Prior to his transition,
he worked for Boeing as the lead propulsion engineer on the programs such as
GPS IIF, WGS, and may others. He has both in-depth and firsthand working
knowledge of satellite propulsion systems.
Please invite your fellow co-workers and friends to help drive the growth of our membership.
Please RSVP by email to Yi-Ling Tam at yi-ling.c.tam@aero.org by (tba)