SAVE THE DATE: LA Chapter Luncheon Meeting!

SAWE LA Chapter Luncheon Meeting

Saturday, February 22, 2025 @ 12:00 (Noon)

StoneFire Grill

4325 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood, CA, 90712

Below is a link to the restaurant and map for your convienence

Lakewood – Stonefire Grill

Please join fellow LA Chapter members as we meet in person this month to socialize and discuss the next steps towards hosting the 2026 International Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Valencia plus LA Chapter plans for the remainder of this fiscal year. • A banquet style luncheon (including a non-alcoholic beverage) is complimentary for current SAWE members and $10 for non-members and guests.

Please R.S.V.P. with names of attendees by noon on Thursday, February 20th

SAWE Chapter Luncheon Meeting, 9/28/2024

Saturday, September 28, 2024 @ 12:00 (Noon)

 StoneFire Grill

4325 Del Amo Blvd., Lakewood, CA, 90712

Below is a link to the restaurant and map for your convenience

Lakewood – Stonefire Grill

  • Please join the LA Chapter as we meet in person this month to socialize and discuss the next steps towards hosting the 2026 International Conference at the Hyatt Regency in Valencia plus LA Chapter plans for this fiscal year.

Please R.S.V.P. with names of attendees by noon, Thursday, September 26th


Thank you SAWE Los Angeles!

Thank you to everyone who came out to celebrate John Nakai’s many years of service! John has been a fantastic resource for SAWE and a true proponent of mass properties.

Best wishes to John and Terri in retirement!

SAVE THE DATE: April 27, SAWE Luncheon

Turn-by-turn Navigation:

  • Elect LA Chapter Officers for new fiscal year (May 2024 – April 2025)
  • Update on current LA Chapter plan to host 2026 International Conference
  • Discuss LA Chapter goals for upcoming fiscal year
  • Network with fellow Mass Properties & Weights Engineers
  • Celebrate John Nakai’s retirement!
  • Only $8 for current SAWE members and $10 per non-member guest
  • New SAWE members (Sept 2023-Present) are Free!
    Please R.S.V.P. with attendee name(s) by noon, Sunday April 21st