L.A. Chapter Meeting: Tuesday, 9-12-2017

Blog post on meeting: https://www.sawe.org/blog/2017/09/20/los-angeles-chapter-meeting-speaker-dr-jeffry-padin/

September Meeting Flyer

TIME: 5:30 PM – Social Mixer
6:00 PM – Dinner Meeting

COST: $10 for members, $15 for guests

LOCATION: Northrop Grumman – Aerospace Systems, S-Cafe
1 Space Park, Redondo Beach, CA 90278 (Enter from Marine Ave between Aviation and Redondo Beach Blvd)

DESCRIPTION: The arrival of new companies such as SpaceX, Virgin Galactic, and Blue Origin created a new buzz in the aerospace industry.  These companies have decided to deviate from the classical aerospace philosophies that have been in use for decades and innovate their way into a competitive position.  Some companies like SpaceX have even taken the lead.  This briefing exposes a potential future for the aerospace industry based on current knowledge and facts. Dinner is included with Vegetable Chop Suey, Chicken Low Mein, and cold beverages.

ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Dr. Jeffry Padin is a Senior Engineering Specialist with Aerospace Corporation currently working as a member of NASA’s Space Mission Assurance Team for the Dragon 2 manned spacecraft since May of 2016.  Dr. Padin is currently resident at SpaceX observing and reporting to NASA all manufacturing and integration activities related to the Dragon 2 spacecraft.

 Non-members and guests are welcome to attend. Feel free to invite your fellow co-workers and friends.

Please RSVP by email to Yi-Ling Tam at yi-ling.c.tam@aero.org by noon Monday, 9/11/17.




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