SAWE Los Angeles Chapter Meeting Minutes
Meeting Time: Saturday, April 22, 2023 at 10:00 AM
Meeting Location: Virtual Zoom Meeting (Lawrence’s Personal Meeting Room)
Meeting Agenda: Discuss priorities for upcoming fiscal year
Attendance: LA Chapter officers (5)
John Hargrave (LA Chapter Director SAWE Honorary Fellow)
Lawrence Cruz (LA Chapter President & Webmaster)
Dan Rowley (SAWE Vice President-Training, LA Chapter Vice President & SAWE Fellow)
Yi-Ling Tam (LA Chapter Treasurer)
Mike Notarangelo (LA Chapter Secretary & SAWE Fellow)
SAWE LA Chapter Business Meeting:
Lawrence called the meeting to order
- Newly elected LA Chapter Officers for 2023-2024 fiscal year:
Director (2 year term): John Hargrave
President: Lawrence Cruz
Vice-President: Dan Rowley
Secretary: Mike Notarangelo
Treasurer (2-year term): Yi-Ling Tam
- LA Chapter Director has an action to send this updated list of officers to SAWE International
- Chapter Checking Account:
The list of current authorized users on the LA Chapter checking account is outdated.
There are currently at least three people including John Nakai, Dan Rowley and Don Thatch listed as executives plus a user, former Treasurer, Stu Melvin, who recently passed away. The LA Chapter intends to Retain Dan Rowley and John Nakai as executives, delete any other executive names and replace Stu Melvin’s name and address with Yi-Ling Tam as the new user on the account.
- John Nakai has an action to contact the bank and confirm all names that need to be included in the meeting minutes.
- John Nakai has an action to e-mail a copy of the approved meeting minutes for bank review prior to setting up an in-person appointment.
- Yi-Ling, John Nakai and Dan Rowley have an action to set up an in-person appointment at the bank to update the authorized account users and account mailing address.
- SAWE Membership renewals are due at the end of April. LA Chapter normally pays membership fees for chapter officers directly to SAWE International but Yi-Ling requested that each officer renew their dues individually and she will reimburse everyone at the next meeting as per Bill Boze direction via email.
- Lawrence mentioned that a new LA Chapter member recently paid to join SAWE and a couple months later was asked to renew and pay again. In the past, SAWE International has waived partial year dues for new members and an inquiry should be made to Bill Boze regarding this subject.
- SAWE Board of Directors meeting: Yi-Ling is unable to attend the BOD meeting in Cocoa Beach and asked John Hargrave to vote her proxy.
- Next LA Chapter meeting is rescheduled for noon Saturday, May 13th at the Lakewood Stone fire Grill.
- Mike Notarangelo has an action to prepare and distribute a meeting notice
- 2025 West Coast SAWE Conference Proposal
- LA Chapter has been asked to explore hosting the conference (discuss at next meeting)
- Contact Kevin Tharp, Director of the Mojave Chapter to see if they also agree to explore
- Assume very limited Corporate support
- Make no decision until end of 2023
- Explore only – DO NOT COMMIT to hosting a conference at this time
- LA Chapter Project for 2023-2024 fiscal year
- Bring up for further discussion at next meeting
- Mike suggested we improve group communication
- Yi-Ling suggested an LA Chapter Scholarship for member families
Meeting was adjourned after completion of two Zoom meeting sessions