Meeting Minutes, LA Conference Planning (7/29)

SAWE Los Angeles Chapter Meeting Minutes

Meeting Time:  Saturday July 29, 2023 at 10:00 AM

Meeting Location: Virtual (Zoom) meeting   

Meeting Agenda: SAWE International Conference Planning   

Attendance: (4)

Lawrence Cruz (LA Chapter President & Webmaster)

John Hargrave (LA Chapter Director & SAWE Honorary Fellow)

Dan Rowley (SAWE Vice President-Training, LA Chapter Vice President & SAWE Fellow)

Michael Notarangelo (LA Chapter Secretary & SAWE Fellow)

SAWE LA Chapter International Conference Planning Virtual Meeting:

Lawrence called the virtual meeting to order at 10:00 AM

  1. It was reported that the SAWE Board of Directors & Executive Committee met to discuss International Conference.  Errol Oguzhan gave the presentation and by unanimous decision, 2024 will be a virtual conference and 2025 will be an in-person conference to be hosted by the New Mexico Tech Student Chapter in Albuquerque New Mexico.
  • The LA Chapter is being requested to submit a bid package to host the 2026 International Conference by end of this year.  The bid package content will be similar to the what was submitted by New Mexico:

Host city

Sites under consideration

Schedule (note: new Tues-Thurs schedule for New Mexico conference)


Social & Spouse/Guest Events

Financial breakeven Estimate

Vendor Participation (LA tends to attract a lot of vendor support)

Company Sponsorship/Support

  • Current LA Conference planning committee members include: Lawrence Cruz, Dan Rowley, John Hargrave, Mike Notarangelo, Richard Manning and Yi-Ling Tam.  Other potential members include John Nakai, Kevin Tharp and possibly a new member such as Miguel Espinoza-Bazan (pending notification and confirmation).
  • Mike Notarangelo suggested that we can ask SAWE International to provide updated conference information such as meeting space requirements, estimated attendance figures, number of hotel bed nights, etc.             Bill Boze should have this information, plus it is documented after every conference in a “Lessons Learned” report according to John Hargrave. In addition, DJ Feldman uses this information to support site selection.
  • Dan Rowley said that he spoke with DJ Feldman regarding potential sites on July 19th and will follow up with him again next week regarding these potential sites:

LAX Airport Area

Long Beach / San Pedro

Santa Clarita / Valencia

Orange County /Costa Mesa (near the JWI airport)


  • The next LA Chapter conference planning Zoom meeting is scheduled for Saturday, August 19, 2023.  

The Zoom meeting ended at 10:40 AM.