Coverage Set for NASA Test of Orion Abort System for Moon to Mars Missions – July 2nd

test version of the Orion crew module for Ascent Abort-2Several of our SAWE HR members are quite excited to note that NASA’s new crewed access to space capability will undergo an Ascent Abort test on July 2nd.

NASA Television will broadcast launch and prelaunch activities for the Ascent Abort-2 flight test of the launch abort system for NASA’s Orion spacecraft, which will help pave the way for Artemis missions with astronauts to the Moon and then Mars.

Details are available here on how to view a NASA broadcast of the event.

SAWE HR involvement in this program was also captured in several papers at the recent International Convention, including the Best Paper provided by Anjie Emmett:

Best Paper #3710: Application of the Law of Propagation of Uncertainties to a Weight and CG Measurement System – Anjie Emmett

Presentation: Ascent Abort 2 (AA-2) Integrated Flight Test Vehicle: How Mass Properties are Used to Manage Flight Test Objectives – Amanda Cutright

Student Paper S3730:  Path of a Future Engineer – Brittany Johnston


SAWE HR Member Ian (Mac) MacConochie – Obituary

Ian O. MacConochieWe are sorry to note that SAWE Hampton Roads member Mac MacConochie  passed away on June 20th of this year, 2019.   Mac was a Richard Boynton SAWE Lifetime achievement awardee as well as a Peninsula Engineer of the year.   He shared an active engineering career with us, starting at NASA in 1962. His passion for weight engineering helped sustain our chapter vitality and inspired us with his insights.  He was an active participant at local and International SAWE meetings, often accompanied by his wife Corinne “Sissy”, and family.  His work demonstrated how a lifelong interest in that as well as broader technical and human interests, contributed to a full life, and a better one for us for knowing him.

A graveside service will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, August 3, 2019 at Grace Episcopal Churchyard in Yorktown, Va.  and there will be a Celebration of Life at 3 p.m. Sunday, August 4, 2019 at Grace Community Church in  Charlottesville.   All are welcome ( details at: )

Note: In lieu of flowers, donations in his memory may be made to the University of Virginia School of Engineering and Applied Sciences, P. O. Box 400256, Charlottesville, VA 22904.