SAWE Virtual Technical Forum 08 Meeting Recording 2022-10-28


SAWE Virtual Technical Forum 8

SAWE and the Hydrogen Economy


SKU: Virtual-Forum-8 Category:


    The SAWE is continuing its series of virtual, web-based Mass Properties Forums with an 8th installment, “SAWE and the Hydrogen Economy”. This Forum topic addresses the use of hydrogen as a fuel for power and propulsion and how SAWE may incorporate the many changes this fuel imparts upon all our product sectors. Gaseous and liquid hydrogen vs conventional fuel characteristics will be a discussion topic as to how this change can affect transportation systems. More in-depth coverage of hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicle implementations in air ground and marine transportation will be provided by industry SME panelists with 25+ years of general and hydrogen vehicle design experience. The hydrogen economy is a de-facto global initiative seeking to alleviate many of the environmental impacts of energy use.

    SAWE members, academics, and industry participants will start the discussion by providing some basic information on hydrogen properties and how that fuel type might affect transportation vehicles’ design/use. SAWE Offshore is included as well, being a possible infrastructure from which to generate, process and ship stored hydrogen to energy storage destinations. There are already applications of hydrogen use in ground, air, space, and marine transportation elements. Those vehicles as well as those of historical nature, and of future dreamed implementation, will be discussed.

    Throughout topic overviews, the forum includes audience participation by requests for comments, and seeks further exchange of information coming from our virtual gathering. There is undoubtably a growing fraction of SAWE members becoming involved in hydrogen fueled transportation concepts. Our forum encourages continued growth in developing common understandings which this change imparts on SAWE products’ design, manufacturing, and operations.

    Along with SAWE moderator Jeff Cerro, NASA Langley Research Center our planned SME’s include:

    Mr. Joe Rainville: Bell Aircraft – Fuel Cells, Aircraft and Ground Vehicles
    Sr. Mauro Evangelisti: Director, Gas and Heat, Livorno Italy – Marine Industry
    Tobin Lee and Brandin Northrop: Boeing Aircraft and Space Systems
    Andy Schuster: Principal in SAWE and Meta-MPE LLC – Offshore Energy, Marine
    Dr. Theo Dingemans: CTO BlueSky Polymers, and Professor UNC Chapel Hill, – H2 Permeation