3795. Aerostructural Weight Estimation for a Transonic Truss-Braced Wing Using the Higher-Fidelity Conceptual Design and Structural Optimization Tool
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Continued development and enhancements of the Higher-fidelity Conceptual Design and structural optimization (HCDstruct) tool have been driven largely by advanced aircraft concepts of interest to NASA. While previous versions of HCDstruct were limited to hybrid wing body (HWB) and generalized tube and wing (TW) aircraft concepts, the latest version of HCDstruct supports the analysis of Truss-Braced Wing (TBW) aircraft concepts, enabling users to model both high and low wing configurations as well as strut and jury geometries parametrically. Additionally, new methods for modeling advanced composite materials within HCDstruct have been implemented. These recent tool enhancements were demonstrated for an independent assessment of the NASA/Boeing SUGAR Phase VI Mach 0.8 Transonic Truss-Braced Wing (TTBW) concept.