3622. How to implement the special requirements for managing mass properties in transportation industries
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usb GmbH provides a mass management software tool. In the past the software was mainly developed considering requirements of aerospace industries. During the last year usb GmbH met the challenge to extend the mass management software solution to the special needs of transportation industries. It was really interesting to find out, what are the main differences between aerospace and transportation concerning the management of mass properties.
This paper shows the main differences as well as many common issues.
Common issues are the general calculation routines for mass, center of gravity and moments of inertia. Those follow physical laws. Also management of parts, bill of material and projects are similar. In both cases mass specific objects like staff or consumable have to be added.
The main extensions and changes are in the management of the following objects – Configuration of trains out of different waggons
– Considering different objects representing different payload conditions
– Calculation of wheel and axle loads
During this paper it will be shown how these requirements are implemented and how they are managed now within M3 software.
During close teamwork with Bombardier Transportation, not only functional procedures are defined and new objects are configured. With facing this challenge the software itself was updated. Objects, like parts, projects, risk and opportunities can be configured by the customer itself now. The user interface was transferred to a new version, which make is more comfortable and easy to use. The customer has the possibility to adjust it to its specific needs. As a conclusion we have now an improved software tool, which can satisfy requirements of different industries integrated into company application environment.