3439. Weight Engineering, Loading Schedules – The 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule


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Joyce Nugent: 3439. Weight Engineering, Loading Schedules – The 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule. 2008.



The 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule differs from a typical 747-400 Freighter (F) Loading Schedule. This is due to the fact that the 747-400 Dreamlifter does not use the typical pallets and containers used by other 747-400F containerized aircraft. The 747-400 Dreamlifter has specially designed payload holders called Shipping Mechanical Equipment (SME). There are nine different SME’s, each designed to carry specific 787 aircraft sections and/or parts. Each type of SME is designed to be carried at specific Balance Arm locations of the aircraft. The SME’s payload to be carried and positions they are carried in are defined in the Weight and Balance Control and Loading Manual (WBM).
Due to this unique loading, the methodology used to develop the loadsheet for the 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule produced an uncomplicated design. The 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule development was more simplistic than a typical 747-400F development due to the reduction in loading variables and options. The loadsheet calculations are straight forward and involve fewer steps than a typical 747-400F loadsheet.
This paper illustrates the differences and uniqueness of the 747-400 Dreamlifter Loading Schedule compared to a typical 747-400F aircraft. Illustrations and photos of containerized and SME loading will demonstrate the variances between the two loading types. The distinctive loading of the 747-400 Dreamlifter is the driving force for the development and design of this uncommon loadsheet, used for determining weight and center of gravity positions during critical phases of flight.


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