3231. The Assailant: An Advanced Deep Interdiction Aircraft On CD-R
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Freedom Aerospace, at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, is proud to present The Assailant as a contender in the Society of Allied Weight Engineers? 2002 Student Paper Competition. The Assailant is a supersonic, stealth bomber capable of performing, deep interdicting missions of up to a 3,500 nautical mile range at Mach 1.6 supercruise. Using modern statistical weight estimation methods from a variety of reliable sources, aircraft takeoff gross weight is currently estimated 112,500 pounds with a fuel weight fraction of 0.45. Since the aircraft is not expected to enter service for several years from the present, the design benefits from progressive development of new materials and technology to gain positive results in terms of weight control and structural strength. Cost engineering is performed by examining the correlations and carrying out trade studies between the cost of these new advancements and the overall benefits that are gained through their utilization. The Assailant deep interdicting aircraft is designed not only to meet all mission requirements, but also to do so in the most affordable and efficient way possible.