3111. A Proven Waterborne Coating
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Kimetsan Aerospace Coatings have developed a range of proven high performance low VOC waterborne coatings with a number of important features. As part of our research we sought to resolve outstanding coating issues and address those of the future, while the fashionable move to high solid paint (HSP) has created additional problems to those that already existed.
Coating manufacturers argue that the aerospace market is too small to justify the development of environmentally friendly coatings. Instead they ‘demonstrate unreasonable economic hardship’ to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Unreasonably, these economic hardships have been passed on to the aircraft manufacturer and their customers. High capital investment in environmental programs, lost revenue, and worker safety is the price being paid. Where Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) have been reduced, considerable increases in the weight and drying times have been substituted. It behooves responsible manufacturers to provide a viable alternative.
We have reduced the VOCs of pigmented coatings to a Californian low when admired of 198 grams/liter. The dry film weight is up to 80% lighter than HSP and the drying times are measured in minutes. They are not carcinogenic and do not contain strontium chromate, isocyanurates, or fluorocarbons. Despite the aerospace industries fatalistic views on aircraft fires, these coatings provide a high degree of fire hardening. The exceptional anti-static properties enhance safety and operational economies. They are odorless when applied and easy to clean without toxic detergents and solvents.
Testimony to their durability is over four years of successful trials on fast jets and cargo aircraft. We have included reports from trials carried out in other sectors of industry including the surface transport and marine sectors. They were invaluable in designing the only proven waterborne coatings available to the aerospace industry today. The coatings have been developed to provide the customer with a degree of performance, economy, physical and environmental safety hitherto unavailable.