2451. RS-86 Weight History and Predicted Flight Weight
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The RS-68 engine is being designed and developed by Rocketdyne Propulsion and Power, The Boeing Company. Rocketdyne is located in Canoga Park, California. The engine is being developed as a part of the Boeing Delta IV launch vehicle for use by commercial customers as well as the United States Air Force Evolved Expendable Launch Vehicle (EELV) program. The first launch of the new EELV is scheduled in 2001. The Boeing RS-68 engine is a high thrust, very low cost liquid oxygen / liquid hydrogen booster engine. The weight growth is covered from the original engineering estimate to the start of the hot-fire development test program. The total engine growth, components of growth, and comparisons of weight increase/decrease are presented. The RS-68 engine weight growth is compared to the Apollo-era F-l and J-2 engines, and to the Space Shuttle main engine.