2260. Inertia Model Database Validation at Cessna Aircraft


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M Beyer, B Panzer: 2260. Inertia Model Database Validation at Cessna Aircraft. 1995.



Key aspects of inertia model validation at Cessna Aircraft Company are presented. Focus is given to algorithms, database features, and visualization tools of particular interest to an industry continually challenged to provide increased analytic model integrity and quality in shorter product development time. Explicit equations for inertia properties are derived for arbitrary tetrahedron and used in the validation of inertia calculations of complex solids made by CATIA. Features of Cessna?s Inertia Database program which insure model integrity are presented. These include inclusion of CATIA derived inertias, component volumetric clipping , and 3-D bay boundary checking, an inertia library which provides an accurate and consistent assessment of common inertia items, and export of inertia item center of gravity data to CATIA. Inertia model visualization software designed to take advantage of the capabilities of a Silicon Graphics workstation is demonstrated. Inertia tensors are represented graphically by radii of gyration about principal axes. The model visualization software provides a robust tool for interactive interrogation and display of inertia and geometric modeling. The inertia model visualization software with dimensional analysis of our historical inertia database also provides an excellent means for estimating preliminary inertia model data.


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