2183. SAVVIE, an Example of Simulation in Prototyping


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T S Turpin, F J McQuillan: 2183. SAVVIE, an Example of Simulation in Prototyping. 1993.



The U.S. Army Advanced Systems Research and Analysis Office (ASRAO) has responsibility for the Vertical Take Off and Landing (VTOL) Effectiveness in Combat/Tactical Regimes (VECTR) Project. The objective of the project is to determine the military worth of advanced VTOL platforms. To meet the analysis requirements of the VECTR Project, a high fidelity combat simulation tool has been developed under contract with CAE Electronics Ltd. This tool is the Scenario Analysis for VTOL Vehicles using an Interactive Environment (SAVVIE). This paper describes the software architecture of SAVVIE. It explains the purpose and interface of each of the major modules and details the flexibility which allows the experimenter to specify all attributes of the players and the tactical scenario. It describes how players interact with each other and with the terrain. The final section explains how SAVVIE will be integrated and used in the VECTR analysis process. It discusses the interface of SAVVIE with a manned simulator and involvement of the aviation user community in the wargaming simulations.


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