1347. Weights Information Systems Using Minicomputers


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B W Soodik: 1347. Weights Information Systems Using Minicomputers. 1980.



This paper discusses the development of a Weights Information System at Douglas Aircraft Company. Approximately two person-years were required to design, program, and implement the system on an HP-3000 Series III minicomputer. It is primarily a bookkeeping system with the additional scientific capabilities required for weight engineering. The system operates in both on-line and batch modes and uses a network database for the storing of information. The system is modular in design and completely menu-driven, so implementation and maintenance can be handled easily by the user.
This new system has a unique combination of features:
– An HP-3000 minicomputer, vendor software, user-written software, and a proprietary character-mode software package.
– Both distributed and decentralized data processing.
– On-line display of data plus interactive update, triggering background processing.
– A database that permits both ascending and descending a product tree.
– An unusual menu design combining human engineering, security, and ease of modification.
– Use of the minicomputer as a remote job-entry station for transmitting information to the host IBM 3033.


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