1214. Cost Efficiency Considerations Concerning the Application of Advanced Technologies for Civil Transport Aircraft


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W Dr. Schneider, M Dr. Wittmann: 1214. Cost Efficiency Considerations Concerning the Application of Advanced Technologies for Civil Transport Aircraft. 1978.



This study was to give a survey of the spectrum of today’s’ technological possibilities and an impression of the essential economical constraints of modern times. A considerable number of the technical innovations possible today will not be embodied in the first production series of the next generation of commercial aircraft on grounds of economy.
Moreover, great technological efforts are necessary to ensure that the far stricter requirements can be met without a prejudicial effect on the operating costs. Fig. 9.1 shows the influences of the relevant cost parameters on the operating costs. It is evident that not only technical aspects are of significance.
– The general inflation and the drastic effect of the limitation of the classical energy resources can, in the near future, partly be offset by the continuing growth in demand for: air transport. What remains to be done, can be summarized as follows:
– Owing to the high development costs, the next generation of aircraft will have to stay in service until the year 2000
– Good timing of new programs will have a considerable influence on their success in the market
– Aircraft families with a high degree of commonality between the individual variants are the most cost-effective solution for both operator and manufacturer
– The adaptation of aircraft sizes to the actual demand is the most important economic factor
– Fuel scarcity as well as more stringent environmental requirements and safety regulations make advanced technologies imperative. The following improvements fulfill the criterion of cost effectiveness:
– application of high-by-pass engines of the 3rd generation
– supercritical wing design (reduction of wing area, increase of thickness, shifting
– ‘drag rise’ limits) and, at the same time, improvement of the lift devices
– digitalization of essential aircraft system components and introduction of new
– equipment (automatic flight control systems, master warning, flight management
– computers)
– use of fiber components in the secondary structure (fairings, spoilers, lift
– dumpers, interior)
– In view of the increasing cargo volume, the ‘8 abreast’ fuselage cross-section is considered the most cost-effective solution for capacities of 200 passengers and more
– The necessary additional expenditure for development costs is only justified for new developments of larger capacities (> 160 passengers). In the case of derived aircraft, the minimum limit for profitability lies with aircraft capacities of 130 passengers
– New development only reach a break-even point when more than 450 aircraft are’
– built
– The trend towards automation in production will continue to increase.


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