1085. Aircraft Concepts for Advanced Short Haul Systems


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T L Galloway: 1085. Aircraft Concepts for Advanced Short Haul Systems. 1975.



Short haul (less than 500 miles) passenger enplanements represent about 50% of the total domestic enplanements. These can also be distinguished by the annual passenger flow for a given city pair and classified into low, medium and high density markets. NASA studies have investigated various advanced aircraft concepts for short haul that have potentia1 application in these three market areas. A1though advanced operational techniques impact al1 market densities, advanced vehicle design concepts such as RTOL and STOL have the largest impact in the high density markets .Concepts for the medium density market require a careful balancing of performance, technology, and design-to-cost considerations. This paper summarizes the results of recent NASA sponsored high density and medium density short haul air transportation systems studies. Trends in vehicle characteristics and operational requirements will be indicated in addition to economic suitability and impact on the community.


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