669. Life Cycle Economic Considerations for Weight Changes to Naval Ships
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One major factor that must be considered during ship system life cycle analysis is thettribute of weight changes. This weight factor includes, by definition, the additional consideration for th eeffects on volume.
The quantification of weight changes for commercial merchant ship design is logically correlated to revenue earning payload. With due respect to the problem of trade route forecasting, the identjty of revenue factors for our commercial endeavors are by necessity far more finibe than those available for use in analyzing our military systems. (References (1) through (5)). In fact, there are those who question the place for economic considerations in the design selections of military systems.
This paper is predicated on the basis that a resource tree with an unlimited output does not exist and the selections made for final military ship systems design must include economic considerations. The immediate goal of thi spaper is to stimulate additional thought in regards to methods and procedures that should be used in economically appraising the effects of weight changes to Naval ship systems. Review and discussion are encouraged with the sincere hope tha tthis will create improved techniques whereby the true value of weight changes for the anticipated life cycle of ship’s systems can be realistically evaluated.