619. Airline New Aircraft Evaluation


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J R McCarty: 619. Airline New Aircraft Evaluation. 1967.



Given the title subject the first observation is that it is difficult, if not impractical, to attach many specific numbers to a discussion of the subject. Any given operator will modify the details of his ground rules with time and the particular airplane type under consideration.
However, there is a general scheme to the evaluation of a new airplane that probably all operators will follow to some degree. This paper attempts to outline the various aspects of a proposal which are reviewed by an operator. I will pretty much gloss over the hardware evaluation but will detail some of the performance aspects which should be of greater interest.
For the most part the procedure outlined herein reflects the internal ground rules of one particular airline. Though analysis may also utilize some requested or industry ground rules, the operator will simultaneously compare with his own on the basis that they better measure his operation and experience.
Throughout the evaluation the airline Engineering Department is deeply involved. Though other departments are obviously concerned, are required to provide the benefit of their experience, advise of their plans and desires, and are responsible for the economic analysis, Engineering is responsible for most of the basic parameters and generally coordinates the program.
We recognize that the size of an airlines staff will tend to limit the depth of the analysis to some degree. To the smaller carriers this paper might appear to outline the ideal rather than the practical. However, we contend that it is representative of what all would like to do if time and staff availability were not factors.


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