250. Passenger Seating Pattern – A Statistically Based Cabin Load or Passenger Seating Assumption Applicable to Airline Operation


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J R McCarty: 250. Passenger Seating Pattern – A Statistically Based Cabin Load or Passenger Seating Assumption Applicable to Airline Operation. 1960.



This paper was presented at the Nineteenth Annual National Conference of the Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers at Los Angeles, California, May 16-19, 1960. The purpose of this report is to analyze the available data with regards to the weight distribution of airline passengers. Since we do not actually weigh any airline passengers because of the inconvenience to the passengers, it was necessary to develop an approach to this variable in the airplane load that would be satisfactory. A statistically based analysis of the weight distribution data available for men, women, children, and infants, in combination with the results of the seat selection survey conducted by United Air Lines in 1958 lead to the evaluation of a statistically based passenger seating assumption. The statistical seating assumption provides another feature in that, being a statistically based evaluation; it provides a tool to measure the weight and moment variation of the passenger load.


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