10. Calculation of Landing Gear and Hydraulic System Weights
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In the first section of his paper Mr. Adams discusses the effect of hydraulic pressure on the weight of hydraulic systems. Graphs are then used to i1lustrate this re1ationship for various tubing sizes and materials. Another graph also shows the effect of pressure on weight of steel hydraulic cy1inders, and the weight penalty caused by impractical machining of thin wall cylinders.
The second section presents simple methods of estimating weights of tires, wheels, and brakes.
A method of calculating tire weights from known weights of geometrically similar tires is given in addition to methods of estimating weights for tires of unknown characteristics on the basis of load arid inflation pressure.
Wheel weight estimates by moans of a constant for various typos of tires is another discussed.
Weights of brake drums are calculated by determining heat input and amount of material necessary to absorb and dissipate this heat. Brake weights are estimated as a function of drum weights.