New Membership – Student
Student Member Application

Apply as a Student
- Student Member - Free (pending verification)
- Shall be full-time undergraduate students attending accredited schools or universities and who are in good academic standing
- Student members shall be eligible to vote or hold office only in a Student Chapter
- Student membership applicants are required to provide in their membership profile the following to verify student member eligibility:
- University or College
- Graduation Year
- Field of Study
- Faculty Adviser Name and email address
Use the following form to apply for SAWE membership as a Student. For the SAWE Membership Committee to verify your eligibility, you must provide and agree to having the following information in your student membership profile and have this information listed in the Member Only Directory. Your application will be held in a pending status until we can confirm your student status at your academic institution. Please follow the prompts in the form to complete your profile.