Corporate Partners
Corporate Partners

Corporate partnership program
Below is a detailed description of the Corporate Partnership Program. A presentation summarizing the purpose and benefits of the program is available to share with your company leadership, and can be accessed here:
Opportunities Through the SAWE
An SAWE Corporate Partnership helps gain you access to the global engineering community. With chapters around the world, members whose companies read like a “Who’s Who” of advanced technological development, and yearly International and Regional conferences, the SAWE gives you a ready platform to access, dialogue, influence and collaborate with partners and markets around the world.
The SAWE also maintains ties with academia and research institutions, creating a forum to interact with, develop, and support the next generation of engineers, as well as be involved with the latest research developments.
Your Employee, Our Member
As a member of our organization, your employee is just as important to us as they are to you. Through the SAWE, we offer extensive opportunities for their professional growth and the development of their careers through networking, education, and participation.
Writing technical papers for SAWE conferences, involvement in our chapters, serving as a Society officer, or membership on our committees, these varied opportunities for professional development boost your employee’s growth, technical abilities, and maturity. Our broad-based Training Program, either online, at conferences, or at your company, gives further opportunities for formal education and development. And all the while they are networking with a global community of committed, enthusiastic, highly educated professionals. Growing your employees through the SAWE directly grows your company.
Special Attention, Personal Support
The SAWE is the leader in MPE around the world. We recognize that your goal is to be a leader in your industry. As part of your support of our organization, we endeavor to support you in reinforcing your position and furthering your business goals. Our staff will personally work with you to ensure your satisfaction and provide services designed to grow our Society and drive your business.
- Ensuring easy access to SAWE benefits and services, as well as our full resources.
- Coordinating being a conference exhibitor, whether at an International or Regional level.
- Making use of our Training Program, whether at our conferences, online, or as personalized onsite training.
- Assistance with submitting papers, access to our online technical database or involvement with our S&P work.
- Ensuring smooth and open access to our SAWE leadership or committees as needed.
SAWE Conferences
The SAWE sponsors an annual International conference and up to three (3) Regional conferences each year. These forums allow for discussions of the current and future state of MPE both throughout our global organization as well as in more localized companies, areas and chapters. Regional conferences help feed papers and discussion points to the International, and presentations and material from the International can become a topic for workshops or discussions at the Regional level, for the benefit of members who could not attend the larger venue.
Your involvement at the International level not only grants you access to our membership as well as papers and ideas from the global engineering community, but also to students and members of academia. The International conference also affords you a speaking platform to market wares or share ideas directly with that community.
Corporate Partnerships in the SAWE
In order to realize the mutual benefits as previously outlined, the SAWE maintains a comprehensive corporate support structure. This allows for the involvement of companies and corporations of all sizes at the level that best suits their needs. Involvement consists of a Company or Research Membership in the Society, or a Corporate Partnership. The details of each are outlined in the following tables.
Exclusive Year-Long Benefits for Corporate Partners

SAWE Conference Benefits for Corporate Partners/Members, Sponsors and Exhibitors

Program Levels
Corporate Partner
As a Corporate Partners (CP) you realize the critical importance of our mass properties discipline and are willing to take on a substantially higher level of organizational support. This entitles you to a host of exclusive benefits and services. As a CP you have two options for involvement with the SAWE.
Research Access Member
As a Research Access Member (RAM) you realize the value of our mass properties discipline and understand the wealth of knowledge available in our SAWE archives. This level entitles you to a host of benefits and services.
Company Member
Company Members (CM) constitute the initial level of formal organizational support with the SAWE. As a CM you have two options for involvement with the SAWE with the following commensurate benefits.
For questions regarding Corporate Membership, please use the button below.
Silver Partners
Company Members - L 2
Spirit Aerosystems - Belfast, UK
Company Members - L 1
B&A Software AS (ShipWeight/MassTrack)