
SAWE Conferences
Each year the SAWE hosts an international conference to provide a venue for sharing knowledge and experiences with members and non-members. Typically, our conferences are in person, but we periodically host the conference virtually via webinar to include those who are unable to travel due to budget or schedule restrictions.
It's never too early to consider writing a paper for presentation at the event. Please make an effort to attend. You will be glad you did!
Sponsors for the conferences are also essential and welcome. We would not be able to provide these fantastic opportunities without you. Please consider sponsoring us!
Use the buttons below to find out more about the recently concluded 2024 conference. Stay tuned for more news on 2025 in Albuquerque!
Next Conference
84th International Conference on Mass Properties
May 18-23, 2025
The Clyde Hotel Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
Conference Benefits
Our conferences provide opportunities to:
- Learn about the latest technologies, methods, techniques, and career enhancement opportunities.
- Attend mass properties specialty training courses.
- Share experiences and get problem solving advice through forum discussions and personal conversations with experts and peers.
- Participate in the development and updates of mass properties industry standards. Meet vendor representatives and get acquainted with tools that are essential to our jobs.
- Learn first-hand about the latest SAWE activities and programs including our Certified Mass
Properties Engineer and Mentoring Programs - Recruit from the best Mass Properties Engineering talent in the world.

Future Conferences
85th SAWE Annual Conference - In Person
- May 2026, Valencia, California, USA
Past Conferences
83rd SAWE Annual Conference - Virtual
- May 2024, Virtual Via Microsoft Teams
82nd SAWE Annual Conference - In Person
- May 2023, Cocoa Beach, Florida, USA
81st SAWE Annual Conference - In Person
- May 2022, Savannah, Georgia, USA

Standards & Practices Sessions
"You have the opportunity of joining one of the Industrial Committee sessions. During the sessions the team will review the activities performed during the last year, and will plan the ones for the next year, considering the industry needs, and the team proposals. No previous participations in the committees are needed, so feel free to join us and contribute to make better your industry. You can influence by proposing new Standards & Recommended Practices in your industry, or improving the existing ones!"
Jorge Bes
SAWE VP Standards & Practices
Silver Partners
Company Members - L 2
Spirit Aerosystems - Belfast, UK
Company Members - L 1
B&A Software AS (ShipWeight/MassTrack)