Advertising with SAWE

Advertising in SAWE Publications
The Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE) accepts advertisements for placement in our publications including the Weight Engineering Journal, our Bulletins, and the SAWE International website. The types of advertising accepted for each “publication” and the requirements for those ads are as follows:
The Weight Engineering Journal is currently published three (3) times a year and runs full page (8½” x 11”) or half page (8½” w x 5½” h) ads either in black and white or color, and business card size (2” w x 3½” h) ads in black and white only. All material must be supplied electronically via e-mail, or through our website in TIFF, PDF, or EPS format.
- PDF files should be created using the “Press Quality” settings, this will produce a high resolution (300 dpi) PDF suitable for offset printing.
- If the page has bleed, the PDF needs to be created with bleed and marks.
- All fonts and images must be imbedded.
- If EPS files are supplied, all fonts should be outlined and saved as either grayscale or CMYK.
High-resolution graphics should always be provided and saved as TIFF files, not as JPEG or PICT files. TIFF files contain more information and produce higher quality images.
The SAWE Bulletin accepts job posting advertisements. The job opportunity ad consists of a company logo or banner and up to an 8½ x 11 page of text.
The SAWE International Website accepts job opportunity ads but there is no size limit on the text file (within reason).
SAWE International Website also accepts Banner and Badge ads. These ads have special requirements:
Requirements for Banner Advertisements on the SAWE Website
- File Formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG.
- Maximum Banner Dimensions: 650 x 75 pixels
- File Size limit: 100K or less.
- Animation: Cannot exceed six (6) seconds in length. No looping.
- Alternate text: Required. No more than 150 characters
- Target URL: Must be live at the time of submission to SAWE.
Banner advertisements appear on SAWE front page ( only.
Banner advertisements are displayed randomly on the home page.
The frequency that an ad is displayed will depend on the number of advertisers on the SAWE website.
Requirements for Ad Badges:
- File Formats: GIF, JPEG, PNG.
- Maximum Ad Dimensions: 150 x 150 pixels
- File Size limit: 50K or less
- Animation: Cannot exceed six (6) seconds in length. No looping.
- Alternate text: Required. No more than 150 characters
- Target URL: Must be live at the time of submission to SAWE.
Ad badges appear in the right border panel.
Ad badges appear on every public page except Conference pages.
- The material must be appropriate for public dissemination.
- Information shall be factual.
- Information shall NOT contain government or company proprietary data.
- Advertisements cannot mislead the user. For example, they may not mimic or resemble Windows/Macintosh/Unix dialogue boxes, error messages or the like.
- Banners may not contain graphics that simulate interactivity (i.e., drop down menus, search boxes, and the like) without that functionality truly existing.
- All advertisements will be reviewed by SAWE and are subject to approval by SAWE before placement on the site.
- Contact information must be specified for the advertiser or authorized ad representative who will make the final approvals and receive the reports (name, e-mail, fax)
SAWE Advertising Rates
The current rates for advertising in the publications of the Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc. (SAWE) are as follows:
Journal Ads
Ad Type | Standard | Discounted* |
Black/White | ||
Full Page (8½” w x 11” h) | $440 | $385* |
Half Page (8½” w x 5½” h) | $330 | |
Business Card (2” h x 3½” w) | $165 | |
Color | ||
Full Page | $1210 | $1100* |
Half Page | $660 | |
All Journal ads run for a full year (currently three issues).
Website Badge/Banner Ads
Length of Run | |
One quarter | $350 |
Full year | $1100 |
* The discounted rate is available only to Exhibitors/Sponsors at the most recent International SAWE Conference
If you are interested in advertising in one or more of the publications of Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc. (SAWE), please contact the International Vice President - Publications.
Silver Partners
Company Members - L 2
Spirit Aerosystems - Belfast, UK
Company Members - L 1
B&A Software AS (ShipWeight/MassTrack)