Standards & Practices
Standards & Practices Committee

Setting the Standard
The Standards and Practices Committee is responsible for developing and maintaining SAWE's world class array of industry standards and recommended practices. These documents reflect years of experience in Mass Properties Control methodologies that have been developed by teams from all industries and government organizations.
Use the buttons below if you would like to purchase our standards, have questions about the Standards and Practices Committee, are looking for the status of a document revision, comment on a document, or would like to volunteer to help us with this vital mission.
Committee Contacts
Officers & Industry Chairs
Use the following links to email our committee management team with any questions.
Document Development
The current state of the documents under development may be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image to the right.
Public Review
The SAWE provides an opportunity for the public to review proposed changes to documents. To find out which documents are currently available for public review, and to provide comments, click on the button below.