
Our committees
SAWE makes available to all our members valuable opportunities for networking and supporting our society through our committees. These committees promote professional development, technical exchange, and foster ongoing relationships. SAWE committees include:
These committees are summarized below.
Executive Committee
The SAWE Executive Committee consists of all elected and appointed officers of the Society. They act as a Steering Committee to guide and carry out the President’s vision.
Board of Directors
Each chapter of the SAWE maintains a Chapter Director as one of its officers. The Director is the primary liaison between the chapter members and the SAWE Executive Committee. Together with the Executive Committee, the Chapter Directors form the Board of Directors (BoD), who are the governing body of the Society responsible for setting policy, voting on business, and overseeing our finances. The Board meets once a year prior to the annual international conference.
Academic Affairs Committee
The Academic Affairs Committee acts a liaison between SAWE and the academic community by introducing collegiate students to the field of Mass Properties and encouraging them to consider Mass Properties Engineering in their choice of careers. The committee is led by the Vice President Academic Affairs who is a member of the SAWE Executive Committee and the SAWE Board of Directors. Current outreach programs managed by this committee include:
- Establishing SAWE Student Chapters at universities.
- Judging student papers for Best Student Paper and Presentation Awards.
- Offering undergraduate scholarships and judging applicant submittals.
- Supporting student attendees at conferences to ensure they feel welcome and enjoy their experience.
- Maintaining the relevant content for Students on our website.
Certification Committee
The SAWE Certification Committee has developed and is offering a unique and valuable Mass Properties Certification program. Reasonably priced and available online, it enables you to demonstrate your competency in the field of mass properties, which will benefit yourself and your customers. The committee is led by the Vice President - Certification and consists of a team of experienced Mass Properties Engineers who have worked diligently to create the exam questions and supporting materials to help interested applicants reach their goal of becoming an SAWE Certified Mass Properties Engineer.
Internet Operations Committee
The SAWE Internet Operations Committee is responsible for maintaining our web presence and managing all the behind-the-scenes IT activities. This includes supporting our website, papers library, publications, servers, membership database, documents repository, licenses, etc. The committee is led by our Vice President - Internet Operations and relies on deputies to stay on top of our efforts.
Mentoring Committee
The SAWE Mentoring Committee offers members a unique and valuable Mass Properties Mentoring Program that enables you to improve your competency in the field of mass properties for the benefit of yourself and your customers. The program is design to match individuals with highly skilled and experienced Mentors who are available to provide technical and career advice.
Publications Committee
The SAWE Publications Committee is responsible for creating, curating, and managing all our textbooks, journals, social media posts, email campaigns, conference announcements, and other publications. This committee is led by our Vice President - Publications and is supported by deputies and other interested members.
Standards and Practices Committee
The SAWE Standards and Practices Committee (SPC) is responsible for developing the documentation that defines Mass Properties Engineering processes for current and future generations. Our standards and practices are applicable not only to engineers, but also to managers and planners who are responsible for developing the schedules and manpower staffing needs for programs. Through involvement with this work, you can directly affect the efficiency, structure and direction of your company.
Technical Committee
The SAWE Technical Committee is responsible for developing the technical program at our annual International conference. This team seeks out authors and presenters involved in the latest developments and current state of Mass Properties Engineering. This free and open technical exchange is the heart of the SAWE’s mission and charter. Our Technical Tracks define the breakdown and focus of the committee members.
- Integrated Product Design
- Product Life Cycle Management
- Marine Systems Design
- Ground Systems Design
- Flight Technology – Manned
- Flight Technology – Unmanned & Space
- Advanced Design Characterization
- System Verification
Training Committee
The SAWE Training Committee is at the core of our mission to educate our entire community in the art and science of Mass Properties Engineering. The committee's focus is to create courses and training materials that enable students to quickly get up to speed on the fundamentals as well as more advanced topics in our field.
Vendor Relations Committee
The Vendor Relations Committee is responsible for maintaining SAWE's relationships with these companies and facilitating their involvement by ensuring all interactions are as seamless as possible. The Committee is led by the Vice President - Vendor Relations and is supported by deputies and other interested members.
Standing Committees
In addition to the committees listed above, other Standing committees of the SAWE help carry out our day-to-day work and keep our operations functioning. Our Standing committees include:
- Awards Committee
- Conference Planning Committee
- Constitution Committee
- Financial Planning Committee
- Membership Committee
- Operations Manual Committee
- Projects Committee
Special Committees
At any time, the International President may choose to appoint special temporary committees to carry out specific tasks. Work on these committees can be especially valuable to younger members as a short-term responsibility, to help give them experience with and a voice in the development of our Society and the Mass Properties Engineering profession.