Business Policies

Business Policies



SAWE adheres to the following policies to ensure everyone with whom we interact is treated fairly and equitably, and our organization is managed to the highest professional standards.  Use the buttons below to navigate to the desired documents, or to submit questions or feedback on any of these documents.

Contact our SAWE Executive Director

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View/download the SAWE Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics

In pursuing the mission of SAWE, members shall uphold and advance the integrity, honor, and dignity of the engineering profession by:

  1. Using their knowledge and skill for the benefit of mankind.
  2. Striving to increase the competence and prestige of the mass properties engineering profession.
  3. Carrying on their professional work in a spirit of fairness and fidelity to employer, contractors, and the public, with loyalty to their country, and devotion to the high ideals of courtesy and personal honor.

The complete document may be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image to the right.

View/download the SAWE By-Laws


The Constitution of the SAWE consists of the Articles of Incorporation and the By-Laws that govern the Society.  This document is organized into the following sections:

  • Article I: Name and Address of the Organization
  • Article II: Purposes
  • Article III: Membership
  • Article IV: International Organization
  • Article V: Committees
  • Article VI: Duties of Officers
  • Article VII: Conferences and Meetings
  • Article VIII: Dues and Fees
  • Article IX: Order of Business
  • Article X: Publications, Emblems, Etc.
  • Article XI: Amendments
  • Article XII: Parliamentary Authority

Members may view and download the complete document by clicking on the image to the left.

View/download the SAWE Operations Manual

Operations Manual

The SAWE Operations Manual governs the operational activities of the Society.  The document is organized as follows:

  • Section 1: International Organization
  • Section 2: Rules for SAWE International Conferences
  • Section 3: International Conference Planning
  • Section 4: Regional Conference Guidelines
  • Section 5: Publications Guidelines
  • Section 6: Rules of Order SAWE Board of Directors
  • Section 7: Academic Committee
  • Section 8: Executive Director Recruitment and Selection
  • Section 9: International Level Bereavement and Retirement Notices
  • Section 10: Training Procedures
  • Section 11: Standards and Practices
  • Section 12: Travel Policy
  • Section 13: Technical Committee

Members may view and download the complete document by clicking on the image to the right.

All SAWE books, technical papers, recommended practices, and handbooks which are published/distributed by SAWE are SAWE copyrighted property. Anyone who does any of the following without authorization from SAWE infringes on that copyright:
-Reproduce the work by making copies of it
-Distribute copies of the work to the public by sale, donation, rental, or lending;
-Prepare new works derived from the original (for example, a novel adapted into a play, or a translation, or a musical arrangement)
-Publicly perform or display the work.
For Corporate Partners and Company Members whilst active membership is maintained, any downloads utilizing associated membership benefits may be stored in a centralized area on the company intranet network accessible to only employees. The copying/distribution restrictions highlighted above still apply.

Please contact the SAWE Executive Director for questions or concerns.

View/download the SAWE Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

SAWE is committed to observing your privacy.  Our Privacy Policy details how your personal information is handled.

The complete document may be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image to the left.

View/download the SAWE Antitrust Policy

Antitrust Policy

SAWE and its membership are committed to strictly complying with all laws and regulations that apply to activities conducted under the auspices of the SAWE including federal and state antitrust laws.  Society members, officers, and staff are expected to conscientiously adhere to antitrust laws.  The SAWE will neither knowingly permit nor condone anti-competitive behavior, whether willful or inadvertent, in connection with any SAWE activity.  The officers and the Board of Directors of the SAWE commit to fully comply with federal and state antitrust laws in the United States and competition laws of other countries that may apply.

The complete document may be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image to the right.

View/download the SAWE Membership Agreement

Membership Agreement

As a member of SAWE you are required to view and agree to the policies listed in our Membership Agreement.  This document includes information regarding the levels of membership, member benefits, and other associated policies.

The complete document may be viewed and downloaded by clicking on the image to the left.