243. Hydrostatic Test Weight Penalty in Big Boosters
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The objective of this presentation is to reveal the magnitudes of the large weight penalties, inherent in boosters that may occur due to hydrostatic testing. A theoretical comparison of in-flight dynamic pressures and hydrostatic test pressures allows orders of magnitude to be established. It is revealed that weight penalties of one to five tons can conceivably be incurred if current methods of testing liquid-type boosters are applied to the next generation of boosters. It is further shown that hydrostatic test weight penalties can occur when the propellant dynamic density is greater than the testing liquid density – also that these weight penalties can occur when the testing liquid density is greater than the propellant dynamic density. The magnitude of the weight penalty is discussed In terms of nonoptimum factors and of weight. Suggestions are made as to how the implied penalties may be minimized or completely negated by modifying current hydrostatic testing techniques.