3627. Multifidelity Overall AC Mass Model: Fit for Purpose Mass Models for Overall Aircraft Design


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A. Rodriguez Reina, S. Lanzàn Ferran: 3627. Multifidelity Overall AC Mass Model: Fit for Purpose Mass Models for Overall Aircraft Design. 2014.



To allow an integrated multidisciplinary aircraft design, consistent models which can be used in all disciplines representing the same physical properties are needed.
This paper studies the possibility to generate an overall Mass Model, which can be used for all applications, adapting its fidelity to each target application. From a simple stick model, up to a fine cloud of points, the aim is to study and define the most appropriate model which adapts itself to the application needed.
The investigation performed is proving that it’s possible to generate unique fit for purpose mass models which have multifidelity depending on the needed application, thus maintaining the consistency and traceability to a reference model. This reduces the number of different models to be generated depending on the application, streamlining the process and increasing the overall efficiency.


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