3554. Mass Analysis – An Important Discipline of the “Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch” (Aeronautical Engineering Handbook)


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Stephan G. Scheidler: 3554. Mass Analysis – An Important Discipline of the ‘Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch’ (Aeronautical Engineering Handbook). 2012.



The ‘Luftfahrttechnisches Handbuch’ (LTH) is an Aeronautical Engineering Handbook, which contains a number of disciplines such as Aerodynamics (AD), Propulsion Technology (AT), Loads (BM), Composite Design Criteria (FL), Flight Test Engineering (FV), Structural Analysis (HSB), Mass Analysis (MA), and Systems Engineering (SE) – please note that the abbreviation characters are according to the German titles. The discipline Mass Analysis covers various chapters such as General Basics, Methodologies, Mass Control, and Total Mass under Varying Load Conditions, Mass of Structures, Mass of Propulsion Systems, Mass of Equipment, and Payload etc.
The LTH handbook as presented here is a tool for engineers, students, and other interested experts in industry, institutions, universities and authorities to specify, design, develop, verify, qualify, certify and analyse entire aeronautical vehicles, and their systems, engines and equipment. The LTH is aimed at standardising certain procedures and methods, and collects the knowledge of its members centrally. A search function is available for data retrieval. Rationalisation is provided via the generic acceptance of many of the shown verification processes by various civil and military authorities. This allows for optimised and accelerated development of aeronautical systems and provides authorities, OEM’s and suppliers with a standardised basis for development and certification.
In addition, the LTH is not only a compendium – it is also a community of the respective system specialists or, in other words, a network between its members and partners. All papers contained in the LTH have been reviewed and approved by the respective discipline’s specialists committee, which consists of members from industry, institutions, universities and authorities. All specialists committees allow also other interested national or international parties to attend meetings in a guest status, or to join the committee as a regular member, if jointly accepted by the committee. This allows for a continuous process of improving existing and collecting new knowledge to optimise the LTH. Whilst the LTH originally started off in German language only, an approach has now been launched to internationalise the LTH by conversion into the English language, which has already partially been accomplished with a focus on data and software for actual technical problems and questions in aeronautical engineering. Further details of the LTH are provided on the public section of the website: www.lth-online.de.


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