2261. Putting the SAWE on the Internet


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W L Peterson: 2261. Putting the SAWE on the Internet. 1995.



With a million new users tapping into the Internet every month, the Internet is suddenly the place to be for over 20 million people around the world. The quantity and types of data available are almost limitless. Educational institutions, governments, non-profit organizations, and private enterprises are represented on the Internet. This massive world-wide network of computers provides the capability for the transfer of data and electronic mail by using a variety of services such as FTP (file transfer protocol), Gopher, Telnet, World-Wide Web, and others. The World-Wide Web is the fastest growing protocol on the Internet an d accounts for 20% of the information transferred over the Internet. This is second only to FTP. The purpose of this paper is to propose a World-Wide Web ”home page” for the SAWE that could serve as a communication and data transfer environment for SAWE members and others who can access the World_wide Web. The SAWE World-Wide Web site would provide information on conferences, chapters, members and officers, publications and papers, society news, job listings, and shared databases to name a few. Searching tools could also be provided that would find member information such as electronic mail address, phone number, company name, and street address. These tools could also perform keyword searches on all SAWE papers and publications. The search results could point to SAWE paper abstracts, publications, or even databases created with standard microcomputer off-the-shelf software. The search tools require a data base to query which would require some initial data input. This paper will provide more background on the World-Wide Web and show a prototype SAWE Web site. The prototype Web site contains embedded graphics, clickable imagemaps, search tools, and hyperlinks to other on-line resources. A discussion on the future development of the Web site and shared resources is also provided. Theoretically, each SAWE chapter could have its own Web site with hyperlinks to other chapter Web sites that would be transparent to a ?browser? on the World-Wide Web. A description of the World-Wide Web client and server software is also included for completeness.


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