2163. Aircraft Weight and Center of Gravity Scatter Band at Delivery


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B Huber: 2163. Aircraft Weight and Center of Gravity Scatter Band at Delivery. 1993.



The airlines are sometimes surprised and want to know why, at delivery, considerable differences occur in weight and center of gravity since the aircraft configuration definition has not changed. For example 400 to 500 kg differences have been observed on two A310s with an empty weight of about 80,000 kg at delivery. The analysis of the weight and center of gravity scatter for delivered aircraft has been made for all A310 and A320 aircraft delivered until the beginning of 1993, which cumulated in about 200 A310s and 400 A320s. The reasons for this scatter have been identified and quantified. Four reasons which explain generally the results of the statistical analysis made on A310 and A320 have been found to be of major concern : OEW determination Aircraft definition difference Variations in manufacturing Aircraft condition, which explain generally the results of the statistical analysis made on A310 and A320.


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