1357. Interfaces: Weight Group/Design Group


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R Sharma: 1357. Interfaces: Weight Group/Design Group. 1980.



Teamwork is not an easy proposition. It requires considerable effort for individuals and groups to coordinate and cooperate in order to attain objectives. What are the elements that constitute an effective working relationship?
This paper discusses those elements that were manifested in a particular set of circumstances. The situation involved interactions between mass properties personnel and other groups throughout a company. The responsibility for achieving successful teamwork is placed upon the weight engineer because it is he or she who is concerned with meeting specific mass properties objectives.
The characteristics of an effective weight engineer – concern for the needs of other groups, willingness to help, enthusiasm, for instance – make a good team player. This paper posits that these same elements must be the constituents of all professional relationships that are formed to accomplish specific objectives and to attain organizational goals.


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