1102. Fuselage Analytical Weight Estimation Method
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Much time and energy has been spent into the investigation of fuselage weight prediction methods. Most of these methods have been established by the use of statistical data derived from past and existing aircraft. It is the authors’ opinion that a more accurate and convenient method is required for use during the contract definition phase of a program where more detailed information is readily available to the weight engineer.
This paper presents an analytical method of weight prediction for the basic shell of any fuselage. It assumes that the shear loads are absorbed b the skin and stringers and the bending loads are taken out by frames and longeron. Basic loads are required to be known in order to determine the shear and bending material of the shell structure. The method also takes into account cutouts, pressurization and shape penalties.
The resulting basic shell weight can then be used along with statistical data for specific design features to arrive at a total fuselage weight.