580. Estimation of Wing Box Weights Required to Preclude Aero-Elastic Instabilities
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A series of wings of various configurations and stiffnesses were analyzed in order to determine their unit weights, their critical dynamic pressures for aileron reversal and wing divergence, and their critical Mach number at various altitudes. Seven major parameters were used to identify the different wings and stiffnesses, namely, the wing planform area, the sweep angle of the 50% chord line, the aspect ratio, the thickness ratio, and the maximum spar cap area, the maximum rib cap area, and the skin thickness at the wing root. The results of the parametric studies were curve fitted by means of third and fourth degree polynomials using power functions of the seven parameters as Independent variables. These polynomials were simple equations permitting calculation of the unit wing box weight and the critical dynamic pressures and Mach number, and were used to determine the weight required to preclude those aeroelastic instabilities in wings of hypersonic cruise vehicles.