
About SAWE


Who We Are

The Society of Allied Weight Engineers (SAWE) is a non-profit international organization of Mass Properties specialists whose mission is:

  • to promote the Mass Properties discipline by ensuring knowledge transfer
  • to provide a medium for exchanging recommended practices based on experience and innovation
  • to foster technical excellence and superior quality in mass properties prediction, control, and validation.

Regular chapter meetings, regional and international conferences, plus an extensive array of technical papers, reference books, industry standards and training curriculum provide mass properties engineers and industry the opportunity to learn, collaborate, create, and broaden the capability of each mass properties engineer, their organization or program.

The Society is organized into 20 chapters with members from across the United States, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Europe, the United Kingdom, South Korea, and China.

1941 SAWE Logo
Original 1941 SAWE Logo


SAWE was originally organized as the Society of Aeronautical Weight Engineers in 1939 in Los Angeles, California, and was incorporated as a nonprofit organization April 2, 1941. As membership grew to include engineers associated with shipbuilding, land transportation, and other allied industries and technologies, the Society name was changed on January 1, 1973 to the Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.

Early Yearbook

A very interesting history of our society is described in one of our early yearbooks.  (Click on the image to open the document.)  We are forever indebted to the Charter Members of SAWE listed in the yearbook who attended the original meetings in 1939, and were instrumental in the founding of our organization.

Our Leadership Team

Our current leadership team is shown below. Feel free to reach out to any of our executives with any questions about SAWE.


Robert Hundl

Fluor Corporation

Robert Hundl - President

Executive Director

Bill Boze

Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.

Bill Boze - Executive Director

Executive Vice President

Jason Booth

The Boeing Company


Senior Vice President

Chris Wandell

Northrop Grumman Corporation


VP - Publications

Melissa Gray

United States Air Force


VP - Technical

Amanda Cutright

NASA Langley Research Center

Amanda Cutright - VP Technical

VP - Training

Darren Gamble

Spirit AeroSystems (Europe)

Darren Gamble - VP Training

VP - Certification

Dirk Petersen

Society of Allied Weight Engineers, Inc.

Dirk Petersen - VP Certification

VP - Vendor Relations

Clint Stephenson

The Boeing Company


VP - Internet Operations

Greg Ray

The Boeing Company

Greg Ray Boeing

VP - Standards & Practices

Jorge Bes


VP - Academic Affairs

Ali Elham

University of Southampton, UK

Ali Elham_998x998